The Bonzo Dog Band
August 29, 1969
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The source material is from a Dutch FM rebroadcast ripped from a liberated bootleg CD which was apparently last seeded here in 2005. For this version a few clicks, transitions and level changes were repaired manually and it was all normalized and retracked. No other changes were made.
01 [0:31] Dutch radio announcer intro
02 [2:53] Can Blue Men Sing The Whites?
03 [0:15] Dutch radio announcer talk
04 [1:41] Look At Me I’m Wonderful
05 [1:57] Readymades >
06 [1:35] Laughing Blues
07 [0:09] Dutch radio announcer talk
08 [3:12] Hello Mabel
09 [0:43] Dutch radio announcer talk
10 [1:27] Viv Stanshall interview segment
11 [0:48] Dutch radio announcer talk
12 [2:24] I’m The Urban Spaceman
13 [2:59] Tent
14 [0:49] Dutch radio announcer talk
15 [1:58] Viv Stanshall interview segment
16 [5:03] Rockaliser Baby >
17 [0:43] Goodnights [instrumental finale]
Total: 29:07
Flac files from download > xACT > Pro Tools [minor "nip and tuck" edits, normalization and tracking, no EQ or DNR] > AIFF > xACT [Flac level 8 files with sector boundaries verified].
.[____].---{Moi really digs Bonzo Dog}
Hal, you've come through again (big time) with posting another live Bonzo Dog Band show.
THANKS for the FLAC file.
This truly is awful "music". However, we should always try to find a positive or learn a lesson and here is what I take away. Parents: Please do not praise your kids for every silly thing they do and tell them how unique and creative they are when, they are in fact, not. Push, encourage to do better, teach, instruct, etc and when it's time, be realistic. This is an album made by people who's parents should have encouraged them to get real jobs.
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