Jimi Hendrix
New Rising Sun / Gypsy Boy / Hey Baby (Land Of The New Rising Sun)
(Outtakes 1968-70 & Various Live 1970; Compilation that illustrates the evolution of the track "New Rising Sun" via "Gypsy Boy" to "Hey Baby (Land Of The New Rising Sun)"; Refer to tracklist for details. ) Sbd & Aud lifted from various sources incl. off. releases
Disc 1:
"New Rising Sun" (tracks 1-2):
1 (2) [23.10.68; From "The Capricorn Tape"] /
2 (1) [23.10.68; From "Voodoo Soup"] /
"Gypsy Boy" (tracks 3-10):
3 (1) [18.03.69; From "Studio '69" (disc 2, track 10)] /
4 (1i) [18.03.69; From "Unreleased Crash Landing"] /
5 (5) [18.03.69; From "Silver Blue To Bloody Red Vol.2"; Different edit] /
6 (2) [18.03.69; From "Studio '69" (disc 3, track 1)] /
7 (3) [xx.08.69; Edit of JA11; From "This Flyer" (CD)] /
8 ( ) [14.11.69; Edit of JS21; From "An Illustrated Experience"] /
9 ( ) [23.01.70; Edit of "Country Blues" (1) > "Astroman" (5); From "Studio '70" (disc 3, track 5)] /
10 (4) [15.06.70; Edit of "Jam Thing"; From "Studio '70" (disc 5, track 1) /
"Hey Baby" (tracks 11-12):
11 (1) [01.07.70; From "Rainbow Bridge" R2R] /
12 (16) [01.07.70; From "Studio '70" (disc 10, track 7) /
"Hey Baby"Live (tracks 13-20):
13 (2) [Los Angeles Forum, Los Angeles, CA 25.04.70; From ATM 048-049 "LA Forum '70"] /
14 (2) Merge [Los Angeles Forum, Los Angeles, CA 25.04.70; 1st & 3rd source merge from "Silver Blue To Bloody Red Vol.2"] /
15 (3) [Berkeley Community Theatre, Berkeley, CA 30.05.70 [Soundcheck]; From Collector's Disc] /
16 (4) [Berkeley Community Theatre, Berkeley, CA 30.05.70 [2nd Show]; From "Live at Berkeley" (MCA)] /
17 (17) [Civic Assembly Arena, Tulsa, OK 07.06.70; From ATM 195 "Tulsa"] /
18 (5) [Atlanta International Pop Festival, Middle Georgia Raceway, Byron, GA 04.07.70; From "High Voltage At Atlanta Pop & EL Studios"] /
19 (5M) Merge [Atlanta International Pop Festival, Middle Georgia Raceway, Byron, GA 04.07.70; From Vibratory 5 source merge "First Row Fireworks"] /
20 (6C) Sicks Stadium, Seattle, WA 26.07.70; From ATM 226 "Seattle 1970"]
Disc 2: "Hey Baby" Live - cont'd (tracks 1-12):
1 (7) [Rainbow Bridge Vibratory Color / Sound Experiment, Haleakala Volcano Crater, Maui, HI 30.07.70 [1st Show];
From Collector's tape without voice over] / Instrumental coda of "Villanova Junction" >
2 (8) [Rainbow Bridge Vibratory Color / Sound Experiment, Haleakala Volcano Crater, Maui, HI 30.07.70 [2nd Show];
Sbd from 2nd Gen Collector's tape] /
3 (18) [HIC Arena, Honolulu, HI 01.08.70; From "The Cry of Aloha"] /
4 (9) [Isle of Wight Festival, East Afton Farm, Isle of Wight 30.08.70; From "Blue Wild Angel"] /
5 (10) Stockholm 31 August 1970
6 (11) [Stora Scenen, Liseberg, Gothenburg 01.09.70; From "Jimi's Last Visit To Sweden Vol.2"] /
7 (12) [Veijlby Risskov Hallen, Aarhus 02.09.70; From Collector's Disc] /
8 (13) [KB Hallen, Copenhagen 03.09.70; From the UniVibes CD "Calling Long Distance"] /
9 (13M) Merge [KB Halle, Copenhagen 03.09.70; From Vibratory 3 source merge (1st, 2nd & 5th source)] /
10 (14) [Super Concert '70, Deutschlandhalle, Berlin 04.09.70; From "Cry of Love: Superconcert"] /
11 (15) [Love And Peace Festival, Insel Fehmarn 06.09.70; From Dagger CD] /
12 (15M) Merge [Love And Peace Festival, Insel Fehmarn 06.09.70; From Vibratory 3 source merge]
- This set features the first "public apperance" of the unaltered audience recording of "Hey Baby" (7) from Rainbow Bridge Vibratory Color / Sound Experiment, Haleakala Volcano Crater, Maui, HI 30.07.70 [1st Show].
No complete Sbd recording exists of this track, and all previously circulated Aud versions of it have been sourced from the Vinyl bootleg "Incident at Rainbow Bridge, Maui, Hawaii" (ftbfs: B012) with voice over.
Part 1-
http://sharebee.com/39af5979Part 2-
http://sharebee.com/fa581529Part 3-