Ford Auditorium
Detroit, MI
1969 05 17
Current FZshows entry:
1969 05 17 - Ford Auditorium, Detroit, MI
95 min, Aud, B-/C+
Improvisations, Hungry Freaks Daddy, The String Quartet, King Kong, Octandre, Kung Fu, Redneck Eats, Igor's Boogie / Little Doo-wop, A Little Mozart, Valarie, Lonely Lonely Nights, Bacon Fat, Wipe Out, Bacon Fat, MOI Seven-In-One Special (7 songs at the same time, incl. Louie Louie, Call Any Vegetable), Trouble Every Day, Cruising For Burgers
This copy: 94.07 min, Aud, C+/C (first part), B-/C+ (part two)
Lineage: Cresendo brand Cassette>SF 4.5>CDR>EAC (Secure mode w/ proper offset)>FLAC Level 8
Taped By: Brian Bukantis
Collected by and obtained from blackpage
Transferred By: blackpage
Edited By:blackpage
EAC extraction of master clone: Drew51
Speed advices and correction: flambay
Edited by: Galeans
Line Up: The Mothers Of Invention, May 1969 - August 1969
FZ, Roy Estrada, Jimmy Carl Black, Art Tripp, Ian Underwood, Don Preston,
Bunk Gardner, Motorhead Sherwood, Buzz Gardner.
Set list:
01 Improvisation [03:20] °°° drop out 1:4
02 Hungry Freaks Daddy [03:43]
03 Story Of A Pound For A Brown [03:01]
04 A Pound For A Brown [04:58]
05 Sleeping In A Jar [13:39] °°° flaws 5:06-14, cuts out, music missing
06 Improvisation [01:18] °°° cuts in, music missing
07 King Kong [10:22] °°° flaws 7:03-13
08 Octandre [01:51] °°° cut 1:04, no music missing
09 Kung Fu [02:30]
10 Redneck Eats [02:00]
11 Igor's Boogie (incl. Little Doo-Woop) [02:27]
12 Improvisation [03:45]
13 Stage Banter [03:15]
14 A Little Mozart [01:07] °°° cuts out, music missing
15 Valarie (incl. monologue) [06:20] °°° cuts in
16 Lonely Lonely Nights [03:08]
17 Bacon Fat [05:17]
18 Wipe Out [02:07]
19 Bacon Fat (reprise) [06:18]
20 MOI Seven-In-One Special (incl. Wowie Zowie, Louie Louie, Call Any Vegetable and others) [00:44]
21 Trouble Every Day [10:08] °°° cut 5:03, music missing
22 Cruising For Burgers [02:49]
Great show, though kinda lousy sound quality. This is due to the fact that the original tape was rapidly deteriorating and according to Drew's original notes, the tape had to be put in new shell prior to transfer. Yes, this seed has noise reduction (applied via SF 4.5), but it's also the only known transfer, so we may never get a better version than this. Remember: this is relatively very newly surfaced. Sound quality is not that terrible, actually. The first part (until the cut on A Little Mozart) is the thoughest one: the instruments are understandable, but spoken parts and vocals are so low and muffled that it's almost impossible to understand them. After the cut it gets a little bit louder and clearer (even though the vocals are still muffled). I think it's musically one of the most interesting shows. The improvisations are inspired and so are the solos. They also have a bit of fun with the audience and play "Bacon Fat" twice (by request). Look out for the moment in which they play a delightful chaos by playing 7 songs at the same time, before quickly giving up and playing an outstanding version of "Trouble Every Day" (check out the ending part of the song... luckly this is among the clearests parts of the tape!). Also, it may not be relevant, but as I told Unicrayon today, "Cruising For Burgers" is a song that always makes me feel happy and life-loving.
2011 09 28 - Drew51 ZRP/blackpage/Zappateers Archives
Many thanks to Brian Bukantis for taping this incredible gem.
Many thanks to blackpage for contribuing the CDR.
Many thanks to Drew51 for obtaining it.
Many thanks to flambay for checking the speed.
Enjoy !!
Brought to you by Brian Bukantis, blackpage, Drew51, flambay and Galeans
Part 1-
Part 2-
Part 3-
Part 4-