Keith Tippett, Julie Tippetts, Louis Moholo-Moholo & Minafric Orchestra
Sant'Anna Arresi (Cagliari-Italy), Piazza del Nuraghe
September 2,2008
radio intro by Pino Saulo 6'08"
Mra [Dudu Pukwana] 5'21"
introduction by Ottaviano 1'57"
Thoughts to Geoff [Keith Tippet] 9'30"
Dedicated to Mingus [Keith Tippet] 4'47"
Mongezi Feza [Keith Tippet] 4'38"
Four Whispers for Archie's Chair [Keith Tippet] 4'24"
Traumatic Experience [Harry Miller] 7'14"
Cider Dance [Keith Tippet] 3'34"
A Song [Keith Tippet] 3'53"
Dancing Damon [Harry Miller] 3'57"
Septober Energy [Keith Tippet] 11'15"
band's intro by Ottaviano 1'24"
You Ain't Gonna Know Me 'Cause You Think You Know Me [Mongezi Feza] 5'52"
'ncosy sikeleli africa [Enoch Sentonga - South African National Anthem] 4'09"
bands intro & greetings 0'51"
radio outro 014"
Keith Tippett, pianoforte, conduction;
Pino Minafra, trompet, conduction;
Luca Calabrese, trumpet;
Vito Mitoli, trumpet;
Roberto Ottaviano, soprano and alto saxophone;
Sandro Satta, alto saxophone;
Carlo Actis Dato, tenor saxophone;
Rossano Emili, baritone saxophone;
Lauro Rossi, trombone;
Gianpiero Malfatto, trombone;
Beppe Caruso, trombone;
Livio Minafra, keyboards;
Giovanni Maier, bass;
Louis Moholo-Moholo, drums;
Vincenzo Mazzone, drums;
Valentina Casula, voce;
Sylvie Ah Moye, voce;
Sandrine Seubille, voce
Julie Tippetts, voce;
Part 1-
http://sharebee.com/b623abf8Part 2-