Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Matching Mole-9-7-72

Matching Mole

Queen Elizabeth Hall, London – September 7, 1972
1) God Song
2) Starting In The Middle Of The Bay We Can Drink Our Politics Away
3) Flora Fidgit
4) Smoke Signal
5) Gloria Gloom
6) Nan True’s Hole
7) Instant Pussy
8) Righteous Rhumba
9) Part of The Dance
10) Brandy As In Benj

Rough sound,but listenable!

Phil Miller - guitar
Dave Mc Rae - electric piano
Bill MacCormick - bass
Robert Wyatt - drums, vocals

Part 1-http://sharebee.com/fd34a40d
Part 2-http://sharebee.com/7e34b6be


  1. They were a surely great band to say the least. Thanks a million for this one also great Hal....

  2. Thanks for this great post Hal!
    Canterbury 4 ever

  3. Nice thanks for share, I'm pretty sure that my girlfriend would like this.
